6 Reasons You Gain Weight When You Have A Boyfriend

1. Dates Revolve Around Food
A dinner and a movie has become a staple date scenario. And that wouldn’t be so bad, but these days we rarely limit ourselves to just a dinner. There’s always a fatty cappuccino with whipped cream to go, a dessert after dinner, a huge popcorn and a coke at the movies, and those calories just keep piling up. It doesn’t help that portions in cages and restaurants keep getting bigger and that all the sauces are making even the healthiest salads worth a big mac meal calorie wise. And the more dates you go on, the more you eat, so it’s a no-brainer.

2. Your Partner Might Be A Negative Influence
It’s extremely unfair, but men generally have a faster metabolism, so they can eat more and not gain weight. Once you’re in a relationship with one, you tend to eat the same things and share meals. Sooner or later your boyfriend will convince you that having a pizza or Chinese for dinner a couple of times a week is absolutely fine and then say hello to relationship 15. It’s amazing how fast a pizza can transform itself into a couple of pounds of fat on your tummy or your butt.