5 things every failing marriage has in common

"The course of true love never did run smooth."- William Shakespeare
Every marriage is riddled with its own unique problems and trials, but all failing marriages do have a few things in common. Below are few things to look out for in your troubled relationship.
Do you ever feel like your husband is more of a roommate than a lover? It is vital your spouse is seen as more than a friend you come home to every night, but a safe haven you can't live without.
"Couples that lack an emotional or physical connection will eventually look elsewhere for a substitute," warned clinical Psychologist Tony Ferretti. "Living in a roommate marriage also will limit the joy and excitement that marriage has to offer."

Poor communication is a primary factor in failing marriages. Conversations plagued with resentment, bitter tones, shaming comments and deliberate blame are leading your relationship on a downward spiral. Psychologist Neil Farber best described the action of blame as a form of emotional abuse.