13 destructive things you should NEVER do when you're menstruating

Every woman knows the painful reality of "that time of the month," but have you heard of the things you are not supposed to do? We spend so much time thinking about what we should do, and forget about the deadly sins of menstration. We all feel and act different on our period, but all of these can affect every woman's cycle in a negative way.

  • 1. Vigorously exercising

    Although a little exercise can reduce menstrual cramps, vigorous exercise can leave you feeling completely fatigued and exhausted. That doesn't mean you should skip the gym entirely. In fact, it is suggested that you should exercise to reduce menstrual pains, but do so moderately. That marathon can wait for when your body is feeling its best.
  • 2. Binge eating

    When our periods hit, the first thing most of us want to do is eat all of the food in the pantry. Although you want to pamper yourself, remember that calories still count. You'll experience heavy bloating and your body may regret those extra sugars, fats and calories later.
  • 3. Drinking alcohol

    Alcohol can increase levels of estrogen and testosterone for a short amount of time. Alcohol consumption can change your cycle, including when you ovulate. Thus, irregular periods are born from too much drinking. Alcohol increases emotional PMS symptoms and can also prolong pain for those who suffer from severe menstrual cramps.
  • 4. Eating or drinking dairy products

    Although calcium can help with menstrual cramps, milk products counteract the calcium's role. Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and various chesses, should be eaten in small amounts or avoided altogether because they contain arachidonic acids that lead to muscle cramping. Try nondairy milk like almond milk or coconut milk instead; they are a healthy choice that will benefit your body.
  • 5. Wearing the same protection for too long

    During the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we forget about freshening up, especially during an eight hour work shift. No matter how tired you are or how much you want to get through the day and go home, don't forget about your hygiene. Pads and tampons should be changed every three or four hours when your flow is heavy. Wearing a tampon for more time than suggested causes bacteria to produce odor and puts you at risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Be sure to keep an ample supply of your feminine hygiene products in your purse and change them throughout the day.
  • 6. Pigging out on junk food

    The changing hormones in your body are already causing you to bloat. Why enhance that bloating feeling with senseless junk food? Salty snacks can cause you to bloat even moreso during your period, and bloating has never been anyone's cup of tea. Eating nutritious fruits and vegetables can reduce bloating and revitalize your body with necessary vitamins and minerals during your time of the month.
  • 7. Being afraid to share how you're feeling

    Periods are a touch subject for some people. And why is that? It is a natural part of the female body that is essential to procreation. Never try to act right as rain for the sake of others when your period cramps are weighing you down. Brushing it off and pretending everything is fine can backfire on your mood and your body. Be honest with others and with yourself on how you are truly feeling and what is best for you at that moment.