20 essential prayers for your husband

  • Your husband is going through an incredibly difficult trial and you think you have done everything you can. But have you knelt in prayer?
    God is waiting for you to pray to him. He wants to hear from you and help you in times of need. He will be there when you are ready to pray to him with an earnest heart.
    Here are 20 prayers you should be saying for your husband:
  • 1. Pray for his relationship with God

    You have chosen to put God before your spouse and want him to do the same. Pray that he will let God direct his path and keep him a priority, especially through times of trial.
  • 2. Pray for his hands

    Pray for your husband's ability to work and see God's influence on his own actions. When you do not understand his capabilities, pray to gain perspective so that you can be as supportive as possible.
  • 3. Pray for his devotion to the word of God

    As life has gotten crazy, you have neglected to read your scriptures together. Pray that he is still praying, reading and living the word of God in all his dealings.
  • 4. Pray for his faith

    Running away from God is not the answer. In order for him to conquer his weaknesses, he must continue in faith. Pray that he will not be discouraged by the opinions of others and that his faith will allow him to truly endure.
  • 5. Pray for his role as a father

    If you have children, pray for his influence on them. Pray that he will make his relationship with each child a priority. Pray to strengthen his love and care for them.
  • 6. Pray for his weaknesses

    Pray for your husband's weaknesses and ask God to bring clarity into his mind. Pray for your husband's ability to see his weaknesses as opportunities for growth rather than issues to avoid.
  • 7. Pray for you to be quick to forgive him

    When he hurts you, pray that you can be quick to forgive him. Pray that he will understand how you feel and can learn from his mistakes. Pray for the grace to move forward with faith.
  • 8. Pray for emotional health

    If he is having a trying time emotionally, pray that he can open up and let you in. Pray that he will turn to God to bandage his open wounds and make him healthy again. Pray for your ability to help him through this time as well.
  • 9. Pray for him to show love

    Pray for your husband to know how to share his love with you and seek to do the same for him. Pray for the romance you are seeking.
  • 10. Pray for the family

    Ask God to help solve the conflicts that may have developed in your family. Pray to create a healthy home where everyone's hearts are softened.
  • 11. Pray for humility

    Pride and arrogance can seriously damage a marriage. Pray for your husband to see his strengths and use them to bless others. Pray that he can see his gifts as opportunities to thank him.
  • 12. Pray about your arguments

    Pray for unity when it seems impossible. At times it may seem like you and your husband can never be happy with one another. This is when a prayer to God can make all the difference.
  • 13. Pray for his sins

    You may think your marriage is perfect, but temptations become stronger as you have chosen to be together forever. Pray for his sins and the temptations he is facing. Pray that you can be a part of his growth and ability to overcome it. Pray for him to get on his knees as well.
  • 14. Pray over your finances

    Pray that God will give you the wisdom to make the correct choices about where your money should go. Pray that your husband will be an active part of the budgeting process. Continue to search in prayer for ways to overcome any financial struggles you may be facing.
  • 15. Pray about the big things

    Whether it is a parenting choice, new job opportunity or sicknesses, pray that you can make the decision with your husband. Ask God to help you while you decide and allow you to see the good and the bad from all the options.
  • 16. Pray for his service

    Whether at church, in the community, or in the home, pray for your husband's ability to serve with humility and grace. Pray that he will seek opportunities to be an example to others and to always be patient.
  • 17. Pray for his relationships

    His life away from you is full of clients, patients or maybe even business partners. Pray that God can help him strengthen the right relationships and also seek after the right friends. As he spends time with friends, he is sacrificing time with you, so pray for that time to be beneficial.
  • 18. Pray for his boss

    All of the leaders in his life need a prayer as well. Pray that they can teach by example and manage their departments to best of their abilities. Pray that they can see God's influence in their life and be thankful for it.
  • 19. Pray for physical safety

    Even the smallest appointments can reveal the biggest of problems. Pray for the healing power of God. Pray for your husband's strength to come back as he is not well. Pray for his doctors to understand the issue and treat it correctly.
  • 20. Pray for his passions

    God has created all of his favorite things. Don't forget to thank him. Pray that your husband can see his treasures as gifts from God. Pray that he can use his passions in a way that will always please Him.